Charm of ancient city
“Tianhuitu Mansion” is the mansion where Sun Zixiu lives. It sits west and faces east and it is a second entry courtyard. The first yard is a place where drawings are stored when the ancient city of Sandu is built. The second yard, which is known as the "Office of the United Nations", is a place for the grandchildren of the family to discuss the affairs of the village.
据说当时孙氏兄弟大都在外做官,公务繁忙,而孙自修又因未入仕做官,所以具体监管古堡营造施工的重任就落到了他的肩上,一切大小事宜,由他负责落实。然而这样庞大的工程,光图纸就有数千张之多,特别是在规划西边藏兵洞时,怎么也找不到灵感,一天,他梦到天神指点,绘就了图纸,因此,这座他当年绘图的院落被称为“天绘图院”。 现该院为古代建筑文化展馆。